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544 Results found for "Berlin"

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141. Students on the Administrative Board

...Board is a kind of supervisory body for studierendenWERK BERLIN. All the studierendenWERK’s core concerns are discussed...

142. Mensa ASH Berlin Hellersdorf

Photo gallery

143. #Mio Okido "They are lying"

...Tokyo and a diploma at the Weißensee University of Arts in Berlin, she continued her studies in the master's program "Art...

144. Share a room in a hall of residence

Share fairly Berlin students who already live in a hall of residence of studierendenWERK BERLIN and who have sufficiently...

145. Barrier-free housing

...The admission document or certificate of enrollment of a Berlin university is a prerequisite for applying for an accomodation...

146. Die Besonderheit meines Wohnheims

In Berlin gibt es 31 Wohnheime mit über 9.100 Bewohnenden und das bedeutet Vielfalt. Alle Wohnheime sind unterschiedlich...

147. Cooperation

...task of strengthening early childhood cultural education in Berlin in the long term. More information can be found here...

148. Living: Tips and fails

...This cannot be sugarcoated, so let's put it bluntly: every Berliner has to travel. Because there are simply no affordable...

149. Student financing: tips and fails to close the financial gap. Tip 3: Look at to find a job! Two thirds of all students have to...

150. CultureTrip: Palast der Republik at Humboldt Forum

...iconic East German building and its cultural significance in Berlin. Highlights of the event: Multimedia experiences: Immerse...

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